商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體
商品類型: 優質影像創作軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)
更新日期: 2010-08-04
check crack\install.txt
Nuke 是個強而有力的軟體,具有無比的速度、高效率多通道掃瞄繪圖引擎、和桌上型電腦軟體
市場中一流的工具組。如果您是從事優質影像創作的行業,那麼 Nuke 這個經過產業驗證的視覺
Nuke is a powerful compositing application that delivers
unparalleled speed, an efficient multi-channel scanline rendering
engine, and a first-class feature set that is unrivalled in the
desktop market. If you are in the business of creating high-quality
digital images Nuke is a production proven visual effects tool that
brings speed, functionality and flexibility to your VFX pipeline.
Nuke 6.0 incorporates a a completely new shape rotoscope and paint
toolset based on a rewritten core curve library and new RotoPaint
node. This release introduces a flexible, non-destructive, layer
based paint hierarchy integrated with Nuke?s animation and tracking
capabilities and supporting per-object attributes such as blending
modes and motion blur. As an additional benefit, The Foundry?s
highly acclaimed Keylight keyer is now a standard feature included
with Nuke 6.0.
NukeX 6.0 has all the features of Nuke 6.0, including the brand new
roto and paint tools and the Foundry's acclaimed keyer, Keylight,
as standard. In addition, it has an integrated 3D camera tracker,
depth generator, tools for automatic lens distortion correction and
also includes FurnaceCore, the nucleus of the Foundry's Academy
Award?winning Furnace tool set.