商品名稱: Inmatrix Zoom Player FLEX v8.10
商品分類: 影片及音樂撥放軟體
商品類型: 媒體播放軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2012-02-31
Zoom Player是一套小巧好用的媒體播放程式,他根據消除 OverScan來提升畫面輸出
的品質,括支援 MPEG4的格式如DivX PG、ASF、AVI等及全螢幕、播放列表等外,還包
括好用的控制 BAR 及使用背景顏色來測試顯示器的明亮度功能。Zoom Player工作於
兩種模式,即媒體模式和DVD模式。媒體模式能夠播放任何DirectShow支援的文件 (任
何能用Windows Media Player播放的文件),DVD模式使用預安裝DirectShow DVD濾鏡
The Zoom Player Business Edition is targeted at
business users who need the richest variety of
options, most powerful features and high-grade
stability and reliability for critical business and
commercial applications.
Zoom Player DS was created specifically for serving
Digital Signage applications. It can process and
display any combination of media files in any screen
formation. Business Edition DS can address any type
of display from indoors screens to outdoors
electronic billboards and it can use one or multiple
display areas concurrently on one screen or across a
cluster of screens. Business Edition DS offers
unparalleled performance, perfect stability under
any condition and the level of stability & support
you need for professional Digital Signage projects.
Zoom Player MC is the perfect media processing,
playback, control and management software for
entertainment PCs, from high grade Media Centers to
top-notch Home Theater PC Applications. It offers
perfect reliability and delivers the performance
level, usability and configuration flexibility that
were part of the best, high-cost professional
entertainment hardware-only gear just recently.
Business Edition MC is the ideal engine to drive MC
or HTPC products and any entertainment project!
Zoom Player FLEX is the ultimate, all-inclusive
toolset for professional users who will not
compromise on power, performance or features and
demand the best in all categories. This "Swiss Army
Knife" for media processing, display and management
combines all the best and most powerful features,
functionality, playback and display options,
configuration options and navigation interfaces
found in MC and DS models.