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商品名稱: Ueberschall Urbanic II VSTi RTAS AU DVDR

商品分類: DVD9程式合輯.軟體合輯

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-06-07


Urbanic II ?the follow-up to the well known high quality Urbanic
collections an all new massive release which includes 30 Construc-
tion Kits providing 3.8 GB of full-range HipHop music as well as
surrounding styles such as Crunk R&B and Dancehall.

All Construction Kits are filled with extraordinary samples, beatz,
guitars, basslines, synths, pads, fx sounds and a whole bunch of
drum- and Percussion-sounds. Every sample on Urbanic II is labeled
with BPM information and root key (key signatures). Furthermore,
every kit contains 3 sub-kits and a drum-shots folder, material is
organized as follows:

* Main Kit - Includes the main theme, sounds and phrases
* Variation Kit - Provides an alternative track and phrases which
are used to add contrast to the main theme
* Intro/Outro Kit - Here you can find the matching intro/outro track
for the overall kit, along with it's individual parts
* Drum Shots - The single-shots are centralized in this folder,
making it easy to find all percussive sounds used to make the kit.

This structure makes it easy to select the correct vibe needed for
your track, then zoom in and identify only the parts you want and
touch them up as desired to complete your vision. The colossal
variety of Loops and Sounds plus the ultra flexibility of the
Elastik player give you a versatile tool to create bangin?tracks
painlessly. Content is geared toward Urban Music producers looking
for authentic club sounds. Everything is programmed to conform to
the musical genre. These samples comprise a state of the art Library
of Hip Hop and R&B sounds, made to achieve true urban sound.

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