商品名稱: Gehry Technologies Digital Project v1 R4 SP 7.2
商品分類: 建築.室內設計.服裝軟體
商品類型: 數位化建築學軟體平台軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2011-05-29
check crack\install.txt
Digital Project 是鏗利科技開發和銷售的強大 3D 建築資訊建模 (BIM) 和管理工具,是全新的數位化
建築學軟體平台,從設計、項目管理到實施現場,為工程項目提供完整的生命週期數位化環境。 整個軟
體套裝包含兩個基礎產品,Viewer 和 Designer,以及幾個附加產品:Primavera Integration,
MEP/Systems Routing,Imagine & Shape,Knowledgeware,Specialized Translators 和
Photo Studio。Digital Project 附加產品允許用戶擴展 Viewer 和 Designer 的功能。
基礎產品 Designer 的 Viewer 可以獨立應用。
Gehry Technologies' Digital Project? is a suite of powerful
3D building information modeling and management tools based
on the power of Dassault Systemes' CATIA-- a comprehensive
design and manufacturing platform. Digital Project uses
CATIA as a core engine.
The Digital Project suite of products includes two base
products, Viewer and Designer, and several add-on products:
Primavera Integration, MEP/Systems Routing, Imagine and
Shape, Knowledgeware, Specialized Translators and Photo
Studio. Base products Designer and Viewer may be used as
stand-alone products; Viewer or Designer is required for
all add-on products.